028 9024 5356 info@co3.org.uk
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The challenge of leading, or even being part of, a third sector board should not be underrated.
Boards are responsible for the increasingly complex governance of the charity. In addition to the many internal challenges, external compliance requirements have been continuously increasing. When things go wrong in the charity, it is always the board that is held to be responsible. The defence of not being told what was going on is not acceptable as an excuse.
The role of being a trustee, an office-bearer or a chief officer reporting to a board of a third sector organisation, if carried out diligently, however, can be an extremely rewarding one. You are playing a vital role in helping to change the world for the better.
Unfortunately, it is often far from clear as to what is expected from trustees and office-bearers, and what the authority and liabilities of an individual trustee (who are often also directors of a limited company) actually are. In far too many cases, third sector organisations provide little induction for the new trustee, and little in the way of written guidance as to the role they are expected to play.
Following the very successful launch of the 2022 ‘CO3 Guide to Great Governance’ written by Roger Courtney who has over 40 years governance experience in the sector, this interactive course has been designed by CO3 and the author to help improve the governance of third sector organisations by providing clear guidance to trustees, officer-bearers and chief officers reporting to a board.
There will be a limited amount of space on this course, so book early to ensure you do not miss out!
Every attendee will also receive a copy of the Guide.
31 Bruce Street Belfast BT2 7JD
CO3 is a company limited by guarantee:NI 37439Registered charity: 103498
028 9024 5356