028 9024 5356 info@co3.org.uk
Members Area
Our 2021 Leadership Awards were hugely successful on the Remo platform but we are so excited to take our Annual Awards back to an in-person ceremony*
Join us for an Awards Ceremony with a difference; a glittering early evening ceremony with bubbles, entertainment, canapes and prizes. We hope to build on the success of previous years welcome a range of leaders from across the Third, Public and Private sectors.
Thank you to all of our Award Sponsors and a special mention to Smith & Williamson, our lead CO3 Leadership Awards Sponsor. With your support, we celebrate the work undertaken by Third Sector leaders in this way.
The theme is 'Stepping Up'. The Third Sector has demonstrated its strength, flexibility, resilience and agility in supporting the most vulnerable in society through the pandemic.
Come to cheer on your nominee and peers and make the most of an unrivalled opportunity to network with leaders across Northern Ireland.
31 Bruce Street Belfast BT2 7JD
CO3 is a company limited by guarantee:NI 37439Registered charity: 103498
028 9024 5356