This year’s AGM will include a panel discussion on Succession Planning in the Third Sector
How would you rate if you were to give your organisation a score out of ten on succession planning? Succession planning in the third sector has not been high on the agenda for boards and CEO’s, yet when it happens, it represents a mammoth change for the organisation. How as a sector can we be more proactive? How can we embed a culture of succession planning, including appropriate processes and systems and development plans for staff to ensure succession planning is front and centre for all third sector organisations?
Our panel discussion will provide the space to hear and engage with a range of leaders on what good succession planning looks like.
Join us and share your views and perspectives alongside:-
Panel Chair: Anne-Marie McClure, Chair CO3
· Martin O’Brien, Social Change Initiative
· Patrick Minne, Director, Engage Executive Talent
· Roger Courtney, CO3 Interim CEO and Consultant
When: Wednesday 3 November 2021 3pm - 4:30pm
Where: Online