028 9024 5356 info@co3.org.uk
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No Time To Diversify
As a board member or chief officer, the organisation you lead has had an eventful year. You’ve dealt with the usual pressures that it has faced in raising core and project funding, recovering from political discontinuity at Stormont, and Brexit planning.
Then came the spectre of Covid-19. Your board had to get on top of the rapid decision-making needed to reconfigure services to meet the needs of its beneficiaries and its staff during lockdown, social distancing and the new Age of Zoom.
Issues like board diversity and its effective representation of your service users took a back seat while everyone was legitimately firefighting and reorganising.
But how effective was your board during this crunch period? Did you have the range of skills needed to make fast, effective decisions to support staff and clients? And how much did your board members’ lived experience help inform those decisions?
Facilitated by Engage Director Patrick Minne, this 45-minute session will explore the advantages to organisations, and to their mission, of authentic diversity on boards. We’ll discuss the practical obstacles on the road to board diversity, and suggest how these might be overcome.
31 Bruce Street Belfast BT2 7JD
CO3 is a company limited by guarantee:NI 37439Registered charity: 103498
028 9024 5356