028 9024 5356 info@co3.org.uk
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The Share & Connect sessions will allow you to connect with your peers to share your leadership experiences. It will do exactly what it says on the tin! Leadership can at times feel isolating and through these sessions, it will be an opportunity for us to meet and share with our peers. I have found that there is no better way to connect with people than by telling your story. It is my experience that through sharing stories and challenges, it helps you to recognize that you are not the only one, it can be a great transformational tool.
The benefit of having a safe space to connect with your peers is such an important aspect of your membership to CO3. We hope that through this network you will form new connections and recognise that you are not in isolation to your peers.
It’s not uncommon for leaders to feel alone, isolated, and weighed down by the responsibility of keeping everything going and on course.
Given the season that’s in it… imagine receiving the gift of everyone working together in a way that works for everyone.
This ‘Share and Connect’ session will focus on what’s called for to develop the kind of leadership culture in an organization that has everyone aligned on purpose and powerfully in action together…
We will share our challenges and experiences of best practice and inquire together into what it takes to develop leadership in others i.e. how to enrol people into the possibility of their own leadership and support their development by empowering them such that they experience themselves as co-responsible for realizing the vision and fulfilling the purpose of the organization.
In short, we will be talking about how we, as leaders, contribute to those we lead leaving them with more access to their own power, responsibility and leadership in our organizations.
AND… to whet your appetite even more, there will be mince pies!
Please contact louise@co3.bz to confirm your attendance.
31 Bruce Street Belfast BT2 7JD
CO3 is a company limited by guarantee:NI 37439Registered charity: 103498
028 9024 5356