At our first session in February we explored the nature of culture and how we recognise it in our organisations. We also inquired into our own experiences to identify the kinds of Leadership called for to bring about a shift in organisational culture.
At our next session we will focus on the impact of resistance on Leadership and on Workplace culture.
Effective And Reliable Ways Of Dealing With Resistance To Change.
Date: Thursday 27 June
Time: 2pm -4pm
Venue: CO3 offices (34 Shaftesbury Square, Belfast, BT2 7DB)
Who should attend: Please note that this event is for Full CO3 Members only (i.e. CEO level)
To register please email
Change is inevitable. In fact, in our uncertain world, there are only two certainties - nothing is permanent and everything eventually dies.
Much of our work as leaders therefore is about supporting our organisations through uncertainty, directing intentional change and managing unexpected and sometimes unwanted change. However, more often than not, managing people’s resistance to change consumes more time, energy, creativity, enthusiasm and patience than leading people through the change itself.
Hard as it may be to believe, resistance is a natural and healthy part of any change process and recognising and managing resistance is a key skill for any effective leader. The capacity to manage resistance effectively can support change initiatives, increase innovation, deepen trust and create positive and powerful workplace relationships.
On the other hand, ignoring resistance can quietly undermine all our great intentions and diminish our capacity to lead effectively and bring about any positive or lasting change.
Different forms of resistance require leaders to use a variety of styles and tools to manage through them. In this session leaders will have time and space to explore their own experiences of resistance in their organisations. They will also have an opportunity to share how resistance impacts the culture and effectiveness of their organisations and their experience of themselves as leaders.
In this way people can learn from one another the Leadership and Management called for to effectively recognise and manage resistance and move beyond it in ways that work for everyone and create a foundation of healthy relationships and a positive culture in their organisations.