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Using the current Save CQ campaign as a working case study, Sarah will take you through the process of how to Devise, Deliver and Debrief © on a successful campaign.
Date: Tuesday 16 April 2019
Time: 12.30pm - 2.00pm
Venue: CO3 Offices
Cost: Free for CO3 Members
To register please email sarah@co3.bz
Sarah Hughes from Ava Creative Consulting is an award-winning PR, Marketing, Sponsorship and Events professional with over 20 years of experience.
She was a finalist in the CIM Ireland Marketing Awards 2018 for her work on the Save CQ campaign, which is working to prevent the demolition of 12 acres of historic buildings in Cathedral Quarter, Belfast.
Sarah’s additional campaigning experience includes:
#SaveFilmNI – successfully campaign strategising to reduce a proposed cut in funding from Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure for Northern Ireland’s Film Exhibition and Film Education sector from 50% to 12.5%.
Queen’s Film Theatre – raising £3000 for the cinema through The Big Arts Give online donations in one week.
Belfast Festival at Queen’s – successfully campaigning to prevent the proposed closure of the event. Winner of the Belfast Telegraph Woman of the Year in the Arts, due to the success of the campaign.
31 Bruce Street Belfast BT2 7JD
CO3 is a company limited by guarantee:NI 37439Registered charity: 103498
028 9024 5356